So many thoughts about happiness. Big topic…Big! There have been many books written about happiness, movies created, discussions had, plays written, and quotes extracted…lots of quotes. Very famous people have been quoted about happiness, many of them were known for being famously unhappy, like the famous writer Ernest Hemingway who said “happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know”. Maybe he made this statement because he believed he was very intelligent and that it must have been the cause of his unhappiness. What if he just chose to be happy? It’s a thought.

Albert Einstein was very intelligent-it’s been said that he was one of the most intelligent people that ever lived. He was certainly as intelligent, if not more so than Ernest Hemingway. What did Albert Einstein have to say about happiness? “A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?” Interesting. Interesting the difference of opinions. As they say “you can take opinions all day long”, or in this case, all century.

Happiness or positivity is different to different people, as is the way to achieve it. It has taken me a good number of years in my life to find my way of achieving positivity. I’ve faced loss of home, loss of health, loss of business, but life is a balance, it is a combination. It’s both Yin and Yang. I’ve wondered if our lives were always at the top the curve, how would be know the good from the not so good. It’s important to be able to not let yourself get too lost on the dark side. I’ve done a lot of reading over the years. Here are the 5 Positivity Tips that I like the most and get me through those down times when we need to find our own peace and love. Enjoy!

1. Acknowledge what is making you sad

For many years I tried to dismiss or look away from what was bothering me when I was feeling sad, only to have it continually pop back up. When I feel something bringing me down now, I sit peacefully, breathe deep, get in touch with how I feel about it, where I feel it , send it love, breathe in and let it go. This breathing in and out and acknowledgement helps me move forward.

 2Remember that no one is perfect

We often can get overwhelmed with how much we have to do and that we haven’t done enough of, or that we haven’t done it well enough. Do the best you can. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Be glad for the new day. Life is about learning.

 3Positivity is contagious

You are what you eat! Yes, it’s good to eat a healthy diet, but what I mean here is to do positive things…read uplifting books, go to a funny movie, hang out with positive uplifting people. If some of your friends are going through difficult times, of course you’ll want to support them, but there has to be a balance. Don’t immerse yourself in the negative, or you’ll feel that way. The more positivity you’re around, the more positive you will feel. The more positive you will begin to speak. And so on and so on. It works.

4. This Too Shall Pass

Think positively! This may sound really basic, but then why not try doing it? We’re in control of a great percentage of what we think and do. If you tell yourself things are going to go stupendously, they are so much more likely to go that way, than if you think the other way. For example: the next time you have to dispute a certain bill or wrong charge-instead of getting all rilled up, assume it’s going to go the way you want it to go. If it doesn’t go you’re way, let it go. Onward. Next. Don’t get eaten up by the minutiae in life. Try it you’ll like it!

5. Live The Day

We often get immensely hung up in the future or the past. It’s good to have a plan (I like a plan), but you can’t spend too much time living where you’ve already been or are yet to go, at the expense of the NOW. How many times do you hear…or do you say “where did the time go? Think of all you can accomplish in the moment, it’s not about what you’re going to do, or what you should have done. Now is where it’s at. Enjoy it!

Love your thoughts as always, have a most excellent day!